
Chess Equipment Suppliers in NZ

NZ Chess Supplies – Highly recommended – suppliers of all chess items including chess sets, boards, clocks, books, computers, software, giant and outdoor sets. Chess Enterprises NZ – suppliers of giant chess sets Garden Chess – suppliers of outdoor chess sets

International Chess Bodies and Major Event

FIDE ICCF – International Correspondence Chess Federation Olympiads –  History of Olympiads

Main News Sites

Mark Crowther – This Week in Chess – the news source for chess ChessBase – Database Software and Chess News Chess Gateway – Chess News ChessVibes – Chess News

Chess Federations

Australian Chess Federation Gary Bekker’s Oceania Roundup International Email Chess Group (IECG) US Chess Federation

Magazines, books, equipment and chess columns

British Chess Magazine Chess Cafe Chess Informant Chess Mail Magazine – a good correspondence chess site Gambit Books – a publishing company led by NZ GM Murray Chandler Internet Chess Library (ftp site) New in Chess Magazine and Software – Your Link to the Chess World DGT Chess Equipment