A commitment to innovation and sustainability

The Poison Pawn variation of the Sicilian Najdorf is one of the most heavily analysed opening variations in the sport of chess. It is known to be highly tactical but with strong strategic themes. Popularised by the late World Champion Bobby Fischer in the early 1970’s, it still retains a fascination with the chess players of today. Despite being subjected to years of analysis, innovation still occurs, proving that something new is still available even in heavily examined situations.

Local government is another area of well-established services dating back for centuries. Yet new ideas and methods of delivery are still being found, and the theme of shared services is a currently popular sector of research. Again, innovation is alive and well. 

This website consists of three sections. One concentrates on chess in New Zealand, especially correspondence chess, and presents part of my minute contribution to that sport over the past 40+ years. A separate section covers local government, shared services, and information technology resources, an area where I earn a living. The third section details my hobby of family history research, covering the surnames of Freeman from Redbourn in Hertfordshire, Waddle from North England, Beckett from London, Hider who migrated to Canada, and Berry and Baggott. 

It is assumed that the reader didn’t just stumble across this website by accident, so I welcome you to explore your area of interest, and trust that your visit will be mutually beneficial in the exchange of knowledge and possibilities for future innovation. 

Michael Freeman

“Études has saved us thousands of hours of work and has unlocked insights we never thought possible.”

Annie Steiner

CEO, Greenprint

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